What is muck diving? Diving in muck? Well yes but no, not exactly. The term “muck” diving actually takes its name from the sediment that lies on the bottom of many dive sites. The term was first used back in … Continue reading
What is muck diving? Diving in muck? Well yes but no, not exactly. The term “muck” diving actually takes its name from the sediment that lies on the bottom of many dive sites. The term was first used back in … Continue reading
Macro photography Iowa. Although Iowa, like everywhere else, has suffered from a depletion of wildlife species due to habitat loss and pesticides, there is still a lot to see. My brother lives just outside the small town of Fairfield which … Continue reading
My shot of a Marmalade Hoverfly, ‘Episyrphus balteatus,’ on a marigold flower, made the front cover of this May’s Outdoor Photography magazine. … Continue reading
Amateur Photographer magazine’s 24 March edition is a macro special. I was pleased to be invited to write and illustrate a four-page feature on macro lighting for this issue. Articles by Ross Hoddinott, Sue Bishop and Sandra Bartocha, among others, … Continue reading
Beneath the Looking Glass Another group of images from the phone box project. Bits of detritus including seeds, feathers and hairs, become attached to the remains of sticky tape on the surface of the glass. Random specks of dirt sparkle like jewels … Continue reading
Beneath the Looking Glass You might not consider a phone box a likely subject for photography. Phone boxes are now, for the most part, obsolete – dirty, uncared-for pieces of street furniture, a receptacle for rubbish, covered with graffiti and the … Continue reading
A feature I’ve written, Quick Guide to Photographing butterflies and moths, is appearing in the latest edition (May – issue no. 127) of Outdoor Photography magazine. This magazine, along with Black + White Photography, are two that I read regularly … Continue reading
Rencontres d’Arles Continuing my Urban Surfaces project, the underlying theme of ‘Rencontres d’Arles’ is a temporal one with the same sense of impermanence that informed my work for the ’Tides’ exhibition. There is the same sense of people coming and going … Continue reading
1st October from 4pm to 7pm on the beach and at The Cafe De La Mer, beachfront, 124A King’s Rd, Brighton BN1 2FN – all welcome. As part of the Brighton Photo Fringe held during the Photo Biennial, I will be exhibiting … Continue reading
Brighton Photo Fringe, Tides Exhibition – Leftovers. Detritus is flung up on the pebbles by the incoming sea then taken away again as it retreats. The usual bits of seaweed, driftwood, shells, feathers, cuttlefish bones and half-eaten marine life together with … Continue reading