WHY WORK IN 16-BIT? JPEG is a lossy 8-bit format. An 8-bit image has 256 levels of brightness, from 0 (black) to 255 (white). A 16-bit RAW image has 65,536 levels of brightness or, put another way, 256 mini levels … Continue reading
WHY WORK IN 16-BIT? JPEG is a lossy 8-bit format. An 8-bit image has 256 levels of brightness, from 0 (black) to 255 (white). A 16-bit RAW image has 65,536 levels of brightness or, put another way, 256 mini levels … Continue reading
I find this one of the simplest and most effective ways of converting a colour image to black and white. First, open your photo and then add a Channel Mixer adjustment layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom … Continue reading