Macro Photography Brighton
Macro Photography Brighton – Brighton must have one of the most photographed beaches in the UK, not perhaps because of it’s beauty but because there’s just so much ‘stuff’ going on there all year round and so many photographers living in the city. I’m not aware though, of many close-up or macro images that have been taken around the seafront area.
I’ve recently embarked on a project to make macro images in the area between and including the piers, with as open a mind as possible as to where the project might lead and what I might end up shooting.
Macro images are of details, close-ups that that can reveal the unnoticed or the overlooked. Inevitably, many of the shots will look as if they could have been taken anywhere but I’d like at least some of them to reference and reveal Brighton’s multi-layered character.
I intend publishing posts for each photoshoot and see where it leads.