Brighton PhotoFringe – Tides Exhibition

I will be showing work in the TIDES group’s ‘Port Life’ exhibition which is part of the PhotoFringe held during the Photo Biennial this October. The images will be shown on gabions on Brighton beach in front of the Grand Hotel.

Following on from our PhotoFringe exhibition in 2016, when we photographed the area between the piers, we’ve moved on down the coast. Seven of us collaborated on a project to photograph the two-mile coastal strip from ‘Millionaires Row’ along to the Shoreham harbour wall.

The area has a peculiar atmosphere which fascinates me and which is very different from Brighton between the piers. My images are a response to the strangeness I find in this place.



Tides Exhibition


Brighton Photo Fringe

Amateur Photographer Magazine

Amateur Photographer magazine’s 24 March edition is a macro special.  I was pleased to be invited to write and illustrate a four-page feature on macro lighting for this issue. Articles by Ross Hoddinott, Sue Bishop and Sandra Bartocha, among others, are also featured.

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Amateur Photographer magazine

Urban Surfaces – Beneath the Looking Glass II

Beneath the Looking Glass

Another group of images from the phone box project. Bits of detritus including seeds, feathers and hairs, become attached to the remains of sticky tape on the surface of the glass. Random specks of dirt sparkle like jewels as they catch the light.

Beneath the Looking Glass

Urban Surfaces – Beneath the Looking Glass

Beneath the Looking Glass

You might not consider a phone box a likely subject for photography. Phone boxes are now, for the most part, obsolete – dirty, uncared-for pieces of street furniture, a receptacle for rubbish, covered with graffiti and the remains of advertising flyers.

Close-up shots of the surface of the glass using a macro lens, conceal the context of the subject matter and reveal a world of colours, forms, textures and mysterious patterns.

Urban surfaces phone box


Beneath the Looking Glass

Artist’s Open House 2017 – Seven Dials Trail

 Art at No.51



51 Montefiore Road Hove BN3 6EP
Tel: 01273 770947

Link to house:

Open every Saturday and Sunday in May from 11 am – 5 pm

Colleen Slater Photography

Rosie Clayden Jewellery
Chris Durham Photography
Keziah Furini Digital art
Rachel Lemon Drawings and ceramics
Miles Whitaker-Durham Paintings

We look forward to welcoming you with a diverse selection of contemporary art and delicious cake.


Artistʼs Open House Exhibition 2017

Artist's Open House Exhibition

 Artist’s Open House Exhibition 2017

Colleen will be showing her work at ʻIlana Richardson and Guestsʼ which is venue 4 on the West Hove Trail.

66 Langdale Gardens, Hove, BN3 4HH
Tel: 01273 726 464

Link to house:

Open every Saturday and Sunday in May from 11 am – 5 pm

Colleen Slater Photography

Ilana Richardson Paintings and prints
Elizabeth Anne Norris Precious jewellery
Jessica Jordan Ceramics
Nick Orsborn Cicada jewellery
Shefton Kaplan Domestic pottery
Diane Brandrett Tromp l’oeil
Fen & Co Wearable vintage art

Including huge print clearance bargains.

I now have a Facebook page; please click
Photography/151787608165039. it would be great if you would “like” the page and like the images. This will bring my Facebook page to more people. Please send the Facebook link to your friends.

Artist's Open House

Outdoor Photography Magazine

A feature I’ve written, Quick Guide to Photographing butterflies and moths, is appearing in the latest edition (May – issue no. 127) of Outdoor Photography magazine.

This magazine, along with Black + White Photography, are two that I read regularly as I often find articles in them that inform or inspire me. This edition also has an interesting article ‘Life in the Wild’ by the macro expert Laurie Campbell in which he goes through his macro kit bag explaining how and why he uses each item.


Starling Murmuration

Starling murmuration – On Brighton and Hove seafront, from November to March around sunset, thousands of starlings flock in a mass aerial display called a murmuration.

They swoop and whirl in the sky over both of the Brighton and Hove piers where they will roost for the night after their amazing, acrobatic performance. Under the piers, they are protected from harsh weather and from predators.

The displays may look impressive but the numbers are drastically reduced compared to previous years. The starling population in the UK has fallen by over 80% in recent years, meaning they are now on the critical list of UK birds most at risk. Use of chemicals and loss of pasture on farms, loss of nesting sites and lack of food are thought to be some of the causes. The West Pier itself has reduced in size as more and more of the structure has fallen into the sea, considerably decreasing the amount of roosting space for the birds.

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration


Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Starling Murmuration

Rencontres d’Arles – Urban Surfaces

Rencontres d’Arles

Continuing my Urban Surfaces project, the underlying theme of ‘Rencontres d’Arles’ is a temporal one with the same sense of impermanence that informed my work for the ’Tides’ exhibition. There is the same sense of people coming and going as Brighton seafront, with nearly 100,000 visitors to the festival in a town of only 53,000 inhabitants.

The Rencontres d’Arles is an annual summer photography festival in Arles. Every summer since 1970, over the course of more than sixty exhibitions at various of the city’s heritage sites, the Rencontres d’Arles has been a major influence in disseminating the best of world photography. It is the foremost place to see contemporary work.

During the festival, many fliers and posters advertising various exhibitions are pasted on walls and other surfaces around the town. Photographers self-publicise, putting their own work up on walls for others to take away with them. Over time, prints of different kinds appear and disappear, are taped or pasted up then torn off or pasted over. Jumbled layers of paper, glue, tape and sometimes graffiti, build up to form an unintentional kind of imagery which is constantly evolving.

Using a macro lens allows me to ‘get into’ the surface of things, revealing the textures and details of different materials.

Rencontres d'Arles




Rencontres d'Arles

